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  • Writer's pictureAndrei Branila

3.1 Denotes and Connotes Short Blog

In this Blog I will be talking about denotes and connotes in three movie posters.

The denotes of this movie poster are directed to make the audience be aware of the amount of action there will be in the movie however a connotation is the contrast of colours between the whole image and the eyes of Frodo which give a sensation of deepness an interpretation of an interior struggle of himself and deep thoughts.   

This movie poster denotes action and advanced technology due to the people flying and that chip looking thing on the bottom left side man’s neck. The colours and postures of what side each of the people are facing give a sentiment of good and evil and danger alongside the peaceful colour contrast.

The movie poster denotes a guy in the middle with a huge hole in him and eyes in the sky watching whilst there are telepathic looking waves and a bullet. This connotes that the man in the middle must be the main character and with the eyes and telepathic looking waves coming from his head gives the impression that he is watching everyone’s moves but with the hole in the middle suggests that he is a broken man and he lost everything.

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