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  • Writer's pictureAndrei Branila

Motion Graphics Research

In this short blog I will be talking about my findings on motion graphic adverts and the notes I have taken in order to have ideas for the advert I will do.

The image below is a screenshot taken from a video which I will talk about and give my thoughts on it. Along side the screenshot I will also let you watch the first couple of minutes of the video which contains the advert.

One of the first things I notice in this advert is the text font and the shadows on it which makes it stand out and draw the attention of the audience and make them think about the product that is being advertised and this is something that I will try and implement in my advert. Another thing I noticed is that the background is swirly and active which makes it quite cool. A final thing I have noticed which is pretty obvious is the product with two bowls of crisps giving a look on how the crisps look and they have shadows on them in order to give this feeling of reality combined with animations and effects which is quite good and well thought from my perspective. This advert with a few others I have looked at will make me consider different things that I will possibly try and achieve for my own advert which is really helpful.

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