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  • Writer's pictureAndrei Branila

Primary and Secondary research

Updated: Nov 6, 2023

Upon investigating the types of researching I have found out that there are 2 main types of research that help with designing. The researching methods are primary and secondary research which we use without even knowing. Primary research is when you don't know information about something for example how to create something, what a function does and when to use specific functions and so you decide to try out things for yourself and so you learn how to do those things, what they are and when to use them through your own experience and trials. Secondary research is also when you don't know how to do something, what something does and when to use specific things but instead of trying it out for yourself which may take a longer time you decide to document yourself online on the specific things you don't know about. Overall, both are good ways to learn but there are the advantages and disadvantages between them which are that you could learn way more through primary research as you may try different things which will get you knowledge of other functions and get different perspective on things but the disadvantage is that you could take a lot more time to learn the things you are actually looking to learn whereas the advantage of secondary research is that you learn the things you want to learn quicker as you just search the internet and read or watch something that gives you the answers you are looking for but the disadvantage of this is that you may not learn as much due to not trialling as when you trial you usually error the first few times which you learn what not use in certain circumstances and what they are intended for.

Based on the work I have done I can personally say that both research types are useful and were useful to me while trying to resolve my doubts regarding certain aspects of the objectives but the one that I found more useful to me is the primary research as you learn the things and start understanding certain things even things you did not mean to learn and there is a saying which is "You never truly know and understand until you actually start trying" and so this can be used to relate to my perspective but it can differ for anyone depending on different factors regarding yourselves which is unjudgeable as everyone is different and can do and learn things different from others.

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